Divine Assignment

When God keeps you up at night with a mission on your heart, you are best served to explore it.  But when He puts the exact same mission on two hearts that have never met and then puts them together, they truly have a Divine Assignment!

Billy Smith taught my daughter a few Saturday art classes at the old Coffee Karts 6 years ago, but it was my dad accompanying her there because at the time I was recovering from an especially difficult delivery of her little brother.  My Dad is a man of few words, but he told me about the kindness and spirit of Billy Smith during their interactions.  That name stuck with me.

A couple years later, I read an article in Bold Life Magazine about Billy.  It wasn’t just his story and art that inspired me, but the way he spoke in his quotes; he used words like I do and he seemed like a kindred spirit.  He sounded like he wasn’t afraid to be a creative being, and I related to that, living much of my life feeling like a unicorn.  I continued to hear about him through friends but we still didn’t cross paths.

As I settled into my new community of Brevard, God gave me a really clear vision of what I was to do beyond my music career.  I was to open an arts center that would provide creative arts programming similar to what I had in Winston-Salem, NC growing up.  My primary goal for this is to give my own two children a place to explore their creative talents, work out their emotions, try new ideas and be heard, but ultimately for all of Brevard’s community.  I’ll be honest, I’m stressed and worried as a parent of two young ones in this age of screens, social media and Tik-tok!  I see the arts as the perfect antidote!  In my own childhood, the arts allowed me a safe space to be myself, have a voice, make beautiful mistakes, build confidence, and ultimately build a fulfilling career.  

Fate would have it that I finally met Billy.  Our mutual friend Derrick Gardner, Music Teacher at Brevard Academy, had been begging me to attend his church.  When I finally did, there was Billy.  Warning; this is where it gets gushy, but to say it was a Divine Meeting is an understatement!  I was blinded by a shining white light when I spoke face to face with him, and after that initial meeting, I knew my life had changed forever.  

Immediately, we knew we were Divinely Assigned when Billy told me his vision for an arts center in Brevard.  There it was.  And here we are.  

Not only was the structure of the vision the same, but all the inner workings were as well.  To expand, there are different models of creative art instruction, but Billy and I drive the exact same car.  Student-driven, therapeutic, non-traditional, life-transformative.  We aren’t here to teach theory (although we incorporate it), but to give children the tools they already have inside of them to live a successful life through the arts. Billy and I both agree that we were created to create.  That’s the beginning and end of it for us.  We both eat, sleep and breathe it.  We both see that society doesn’t celebrate creatives as they grow and develop, but bow at their feet when they are suddenly famous on ‘American Idol.’  Where is the disconnect?  What is this teaching our kids?

We believe creative arts is a lifestyle.  If it’s in you, it is you, and that deserves to be brought fully to the surface where you can freely live as you were made to be.  

We did fall in love and get married!  As we grow our vision, we continue to live creative lives, raise two children, fold laundry, pay bills, and figure out the world.  We aren’t coming with all the answers, but we are here to share our knowledge of what it’s like to be supported and encouraged in the arts.  Without it, we’re not sure where either of us would be.  We know first hand that it can not only turn lives around, but save them.  We are honored to have that opportunity here in the community of Brevard.  

We jumped in headfirst in the summer of August 2021 with a 5 day Creative Arts Camp.  With the amazing ideas of 14 students ranging from ages 5 to 10 years old, we curated an on-stage production that had us all in tears.  There was original music, original choreography, skit writing, set design, photography and videography.  We assessed each child’s talents in the beginning of the week and by the end of the week, watched them flourish.  It was life-changing and we cannot wait to do it again in 2022, this time for TWO WEEKS!

Since then, we have also held Workshops in Songwriting, Fashion Design and Improv Acting geared more toward teens.  We have more of these coming up as well!  

Billy and I both see the immense talent in the kids and youth of Brevard.  Our Divine Assignment of creating a place for them to flourish and feel empowered is under way.  We are strapping on our seatbelts and praying for continued guidance from the One who gave us this vision!  We thank all of you in advance who join us in our cause, whether it be by enrolling your children or grandchildren, volunteering or donating.  We can’t wait to see what beautiful creative growth comes out of this town and hopefully makes an impact for generations to come!

Sincerely yours,


Keep Me Alive